For a successful advertising campaign, you need to develop creatives and you need to plan carefully what advertising spaces to use. The behaviour and media use of the various customer groups are markedly different, so for a cost-effective campaign you need a media plan for the specific target group.
Media planning
When creating the media plan, we identify the media that best suit the marketing goals to use them for advertising. Once we have identified the type of media, we plan the right locations, timing and scheduling for the target audience.
Media buying is somewhat different. Media buying is the implementation of the plan, i.e., when we buy a specific time slot in the radio, a poster in a specific location, etc., for the period of the campaign.
Before media planning, we need media research where we draw conclusions about the media behaviour of the target audience. Here the objective is to reach the most possible people in the target audience with the lowest costs and lowest number of spots. In the research stage we rely on several analytics tools like Arianna, Gemius, NOK and TGI.
Using a media mix
Nowadays basically every advertising campaign uses several types of media. For example, you can have a billboard and a TV ad, or any other combination. This is useful, as it gets the message through to a wider audience, and you can target consumers according to their stage in the purchase decision process.
Media mix
When you use a media mix, you have a combination of media in your campaign. Campaigns applying a media mix can achieve a higher reach as they can address a diverse audience through multiple channels.
The elements of a media mix
A well-planned media mix usually consists of online and offline ads. The combination is always designed for the specific campaign. With an optimal media mix, the ‘performance’ of the elements is monitored and, if necessary, adjustments are made. MyAd’s experts are ready to handle this and make modifications and efficiently reallocate resources based on these findings.